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Love Yourself On Valentine’s Day
Jan 27

Love Yourself On Valentine’s Day

Hey Loves,

I’m super excited because it’s warm enough for me to sit on the patio outside at Baskin Robbins and enjoy one of my favorite ice cream flavors ‘World Class Chocolate’… yummers! As I sit here I have become witness to such a tragedy, or more like a shameful epidemic! As I mentioned it’s warm enough to kick it outside on the patio, which means that chicks have on shorts and flip-flops. This also means that they are showcasing their neglected (well some) of their neglected body parts. Valentine’s day is right around the corner and women are scrambling around trying to figure out what they are going to pull out of their hats this year for their dude. But I plead with you… LOVE YOURSELF THIS VALENTINE’S DAY! Of course I’m not saying put up the middle finger to your man, but I am saying for crying out loud take care of you.

We women have such busy lives. A lot of us have full time jobs, then we have school, then we have to take care of the children, clean house, cook dinner, our job is NEVER done! But that should not relieve us of our duties to take care of ourselves. My current situation and view with this luscious cone is the sight of un-pedicured toes, hairy mammoth legs, and cracked heels. Oh and I would hate to see what bikini lines are looking like right about now. We tend to neglect ourselves as soon as winter months hit… BUT I AM HERE TO TELL YOU THAT THE GODDESS IN YOU MUST LIVE ON. Yes, you can cover up with boots, long johns, hats, thick socks and all of that but come on, there is still a beautiful woman underneath and she needs some attention. Just like she tends to everything and everyone else, she must take time to tend to herself as well. So for pete’s sake, shave those doggone legs, get a pedicure and pamper yourself. You don’t have to go to a spa to pamper yourself or love on you. Heck, there has been plenty nights where I have poured myself a glass of wine, and told my rugrats “DO NOT KNOCK ON THIS BATHROOM DOOR UNLESS ONE OF YOU ARE BLEEDING!” I listened to some music, scrubbed my feet, shaved my legs, the whole 9. Sometimes you have to take time out for you. And there is ALWAYS TIME! That was the most amazing 15 minutes of my week! Surely you have 15 minutes to love on yourself. So ladies, this V-Day I challenge you to love on YOU a little more, take some time out for yourself and pamper the goddess in you!!

Adios beauties!!

Ms. Jay

Your #SkincareStarlet

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