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Christmas Inspired Make Up Looks – Traditional
Dec 04

Christmas Inspired Make Up Looks – Traditional

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the last few weeks, you know that Christmas is right around the corner! The halls are decked, and the retailers are falling in line with festive decorations every where you turn. I’m getting back into that holiday spirit this year in a big way, and thought it would be great to throw together some holiday inspired looks.

So I’m kicking off my holiday looks, by using the traditional green and red color swatch. You’ll notice that I have included 2 different looks, though they were inspired by the same thing, you’ll see that they turned very different. I’m continually learning that there so many ways to be inspired. There are so many expressions and ways that you can be moved by a single source. That’s the essence of creativity. I also believe that creativity is a muscle. There are some people that are innately talented in one way or another, but until they stretch themselves and allow their creative juices to flow, they’ll never know what they are capable of.

I’ve learned over the past few months that the best way for me to continue to grow as a make up artist, an entrepreneur, a leader, a digital marketer, a mother, a woman… is to really allow myself to explore the lengths and depths of my creativity in every area of my life. I’ve finally retired my yoga pants, ponytail, and chap stick in for a much more glamorous version of myself… and to be honest, its done wonders for the way that I show up for work. Even though work is 3 steps away in the other room. Well, anyway, back to my holiday looks!

Keep a tradition. Expand a tradition. Try it… then let me know how it worked out!

What do you think about my attempt?!?

1) Traditional Red and Green: This look was achieved using the Mary Kay Limited Edition Sapphire Noir Palette and Diva Lipstick by MAC cosmetics. Oh, and you can click here to get the necklace in our store!

Emerald Eye Shadow smokey eye and Burgundy lipstick in Diva Lipstick by MAC Cosmetics

Emerald Eye Shadow smokey eye and Burgundy lipstick in Diva Lipstick by MAC Cosmetics

Who says you can only wear a black smokey eye? I chose to create traditional dark green smokey eye with a brown detail in the crease and black in the corners to seal off the the eye. This particular look I opted for 3D Fiber Lash Mascara vs a false eyelash, and I added a rosy cheek to represent my holiday cheer!

Christmas Look 2

Vary the Emerald eye shadow (with brown in the crease) and Diva Lipstick by MAC Cosmetics (Burgundy lip color)

Christmas Look 6

MAC Satin Lipstick in Diva

2) A Spin on the Traditional Green and Red: Why not try a little different take on the holiday red and green, by putting a little teal and mulberry in the mix. I used Dragon on the lid, Alchemy in the crease, and Bondage in the outer corners. I used a light and wispy eyelash to complete the look on the eye.

Christmas Look 5

A spin on the traditional red and green, by using a teal and mulberry look (Actual shadows Dragon and Alchemy from Vice 3 palette)

Here are some details of the look

Close up of Dragon on the lower lid, Alchemy eyes shadow in the crease, Bondage in the corners and Truth in the highlight from Urban Decay Vice 3 Palette

Close up of Dragon on the lower lid, Alchemy eyes shadow in the crease, Bondage in the corners and Truth in the highlight from Urban Decay Vice 3 Palette

Christmas Look 4

Ombre lip look using Ruby Woo by MAC Cosmetics on the outside and Pink Moonstone Limited Edition Semi-Matte Lipstick by Mary Kay Cosmetics

With my love,



Check out some of these Holiday inspired looks from the All Frills Beauty Team

10845948_10205686982953072_4699342847794619639_n Holiday Inspired Brandy

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