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Your Ideal Skin Care Routine
Aug 05

Your Ideal Skin Care Routine

For the most part, I have always been faithful to my skin care routine and regimen (mostly because my grandma was a Mary Kay Consultant) and always cleansed and moisturized my skin before bed and in the morning when I woke up. I started to notice, as most women do, that after I hit 25, my skin started to change a little. I couldn’t go out all night and hide the lack of sleep under my eyes anymore, and that natural glow that I used to have with no effort wasn’t really glowing as brightly. After giving birth to my son, hormones started changing my skin’s appearance. I had acne breakouts, fine lines under my eyes, and ginormous pores. Sexy! I didn’t panic (too much) or do anything extreme (because face lifts weren’t in the budget), I just evaluated my current situation and made some adjustments to my routine. I just really had to assess what was going on with my skin, and as a result my skin care routine started to include some additional steps to battle new problems.

Is it time to switch up your life routines?

I’m not really sharing rocket science with this information, though I will provides some information on skin care routines at the bottom of this post. When I was thinking about my beauty rituals and routines, it really made me think about the rituals and routines that I have in my personal life that may not be supporting my overall outcome for a healthier and happier life. I’m sure you can relate. The truth is, no matter what change you need to make in your life, the only way you’ll be able to make it will be through changing some of your existing rituals and routines. Weight loss, career change, or just a general improvement on your happiness, you’ll need to assess what you’re currently doing and replace old or add new positive habits that will support you new goals.

Basic skin care routine tips

As promised, here are some basics you should add to your skin care routine:

  • Don’t sleep in your makeup. If you don’t do anything else, make sure you cleanse and moisturize your face twice a day. A clean face will go a long way for you, and your pores will thank you
  • Add SPF to your routine. You can refer to my recent post on SPF to get more specifics, but in the end of the day… USE IT!
  • Exfoliate at least once a week. Find a mask, a scrub, or a microdermabrasion product and get rid of those dead skin cells dulling your complexion. You really only need to do it once a week or every other week.
  • Oily skin needs a moisturizer too. One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned about my oily skin, is that the less you moisturize, the more you’ll break out. Our bodies are amazing, so if we don’t put enough moisture in our skin, our bodies will produce excess oil which actually produces MORE breakouts.
  • Go see an esthetician. Though I’m a Mary Kay consultant, when I can’t figure it out myself, I love to have a professional look at my skin under the big light and magnifying glass. Ask a friend for a referral or check out local reviews on Yelp or Google.

So recently I’ve started using a new line of organic products that were recommended by an esthetician, and though my skin looks so much healthier, I keep getting these HUGE zits on my face. Nothing like I’ve ever had before. So guess what I’ve had to do? That’s right… I’ve started adding in an acne fighting product to my skin care routine. Remember, the best routine you can have, is the one that works!

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