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Tips to Fixing Minor Make Up Mistakes
Jul 28

Tips to Fixing Minor Make Up Mistakes

So I have a secret to tell you. As a professional make-up artist… sometimes I make make up mistakes. *GASP* I know, I know… the mere fact that I dare call myself a professional and have not completely perfected my craft, I’m sure is mind blowing. There are days my mascara wand wants to be all over every part of my face but my eyelashes. I’ve custom blended foundation in one lighting, only to find that the color was slightly off in another type of lighting.  Sometimes my hand is shaky and I end up with two different eyeliner widths. Mistakes happen, and I’m not afraid to admit that anymore.

Confessions of a MUA

Actually, I’m not revealing anything that shocking. If you follow any of the celebrity or popular make-up artists on social media and blogs, you will find that one of the most valuable things that they offer comes in the form of lessons they have learned from their mistakes. They either give great tips for avoiding problems all together or advice on how to fix the mistakes that they have made. Those experiences are a large part of why they are successful today. At the end of this blog, I have some of my favorite fixes that may save you some time in the mirror.

From beauty to life

I’ve learned to live up to my mistakes. In life I have made mistakes outside of my make-up chair that have changed the course of my life in ways that I certainly was not planning for. I have discovered that in my darkest times, and toughest challenges, my character is being shaped and molded. Whenever you look back on a challenging time in your life, you usually realize how much information and experience you’ve gained just surviving it. I’ve actually found a really great passage in the Bible that relates to this very topic: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4 NIV) I haven’t quite found the pure joy in the process to be honest. I do know that with each challenge I face, if I take everything I can from the experience I’ll never have to face it with the same uncertainty or fear again.

And back to beauty

So here are 3 of my favorite minor makeup fixes:

  1. Misplaced mascara. When you accidentally get mascara on your eyelids, nose (don’t act like you’ve never done it), or any other place on your skin that was unintended, let the mascara dry completely. Once it’s dried, you’ll be able to flick it off without having to remove the makeup underneath it.
  2. Wrong colored foundation.  Most people have different color foundations and powders to compensate for the different changes our skin makes in each season. Before you start, I would recommend finding a tinted moisturizer or colored primer if you find that you get that ghostly look in pictures. Additionally, brush the darker or lighter foundation on top until you get close to the right color. Remember foundations with SPF will make you look lighter in a flash picture.
  3. The Magic Eraser.  Do not underestimate the power of a cotton swab. You should always keep them close to help you with small cleanups and fixes. Q-Tip has a new Precision Tip version that has really helped me clean up eye liner lines, and remove small mistakes on an already completed face without messing up a thing. Dab a little eye makeup remover, and you’re good to go!
On set for a photo shoot, when all of these experiences are most needed.

On set for a photo shoot, when all of these experiences are most needed.

Don’t be afraid to admit a mistake, just make sure you learn from it.

What are some of your favorite “beauty hacks” for your make-up mishaps?

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