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Face Mapping: What is your skin telling you?
Jun 05

Face Mapping: What is your skin telling you?

Have you ever heard of face mapping? Face mapping is a form of skin analysis that helps one understand the possible causes of spots or breakouts on the face. The idea behind face mapping is that your skin reflects your inner health, and different areas of the face are connected to different organs in the body.

Zone 1 – Forehead: Digestive system

Breakouts and other problems in this area often relate to a build-up of toxins in the digestive system. Symptoms include constipation or poor absorption of nutrients – side effects of overindulging in comfort foods. Focus on improving your diet, cut back on sugar, and work out if there are foods to which you may be intolerant.

Zone 2 – Above the Eyebrows: Immune system

Breakouts in this area mean you are sick or about to be sick. Try to get ahead of it by slowing down, getting plenty of rest, flushing your system with water.

Zone 3 – Between the Eyebrows: Liver

Redness, flakiness, or excess oil between the brows can relate to a stressed liver and possible allergies. If you have problems in this area it’s wise to cut back on alcohol and fatty foods, which are hard for the liver to process, and try drinking water with a squeeze of lemon. Also consider cutting back on dairy. Lines in this area can relate to stress on the liver and stomach and hint at a need to relax and slow down.

Zone 4 – Cheeks: Stomach, Lungs and Colon

Our respiratory system is under constant attack from smoking, passive smoking and other air pollution, and if our bodies struggle to cope this can cause problems like spots, puffiness or broken capillaries on the cheeks. Traditional Chinese medicine recognises the lungs and colon as yin-yang organs that work in harmony, so keep both in balance for good health and get plenty of fresh air. Problems here can also relate to digestion issues, so add more fibre to your diet, boost your intake of fruit and vegetables and drink herbal teas (especially those that contain peppermint or spearmint).

Zone 5 – Chin and Jaw: Hormones

The chin and jawline are common spots for breakouts (especially around period time), so it’s hardly surprising that these areas are linked to stress and hormone levels, including fertility and menstrual issues. Some experts believe breakouts in this area indicate when we ovulate (and on which side) while repeated breakouts could relate to ovarian cysts. If this is a problem area, focus on regulating your sleep cycles and your diet, and consider asking your GP for a blood test to check your hormone levels.

Also good to know:

Dark, baggy, puffy skin under the eyes indicates a sluggish kidney or bladder due to stress or lack of sleep, so it’s important to try and replenish kidney adrenals with an early night and plenty of water. Steer clear of food that dehydrates the body, like coffee, alcohol and fizzy drinks, because these foods can also add to the ‘spare-tyre syndrome’ – increased likelihood of weight gain around the mid-section – which relates to these zones.

This post is in no way a diagnosis; but hey, it’s worth taking a look at if you notice constant acne in the same area and have exhausted your whole beauty cabinet and other methods to clear it up with no luck.

Ciao beautiful skin chicas!



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