Contributing Writer, Jazmin Steele As I stood in the break room chatting with a co-worker of similar age about our women problems – you know, getting older, menstrual cycles, moodiness...
Last night at 10:48 p.m. I got a flat tire heading northbound on the 125 freeway to pick up my boyfriend. He is only in town for a few days,...
People seem to either love or hate new year's resolutions. For so many people in my business and personal circles, 2015 was a year of transition and challenges. Sometimes it...
I feel like I'm not alone with this topic today. I know there are people every day that wake up trying to find the motivation, encouragement and inspiration to chase...
Hey Frill Bellas, We are well into Spring, and no matter what the weather is outside your house, its a great time to really get your mind set to refresh...
The concept of an alter ego isn't really foreign to any of us. I was talking to someone today about alter egos, and she was telling me how as an...
*Photo credit: Vanessa Evans of Visual Vixen Photography There's really not much more I can say about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the importance of his legacy that hasn't...
Hey ladies! So here we are in 2015, a new year represents a new us right? Wrong, we are still the same people we were a few weeks ago, but...
Back in the day when I used to work as a Marketing Manager motivational speaker, Anthony Robbins, we used to kick off the year with a "New Year, New You"...
So 2014 is coming to an end, and regardless of how you feel about new year's resolutions, there is always something exciting about the prospect of starting over with a...