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Recognize the Beauty of You
Jan 30

Recognize the Beauty of You

If you have been reading the blog for a while, then you will notice that this group of women particularly are extremely passionate about reminding women of their self-worth and self-love. The reasoning behind it is simple, throughout life we’ve all experienced things that have brought us to neglect our mind, bodies, or spirits at some points in our lives.

I think one of the most tragic realities about self- anything… is that it’s usually damaged by someone else. I can’t think of any example of anyone waking up one morning thinking… “I think I’m going to question everything that I am and all that I’ve done. I think it would be awesome to wonder if I’m good enough to be loved, or wonder why things that I’ve hoped for and dreamed haven’t come to fruition yet.” It just doesn’t work that way.

For some of us, the damage started young… for others it was later in life, but regardless of how deep your wounds run, its important to fight your way out of a mindset that slows down or stops your progress in life. I was reading the Bible the other day, and ran across this particular passage:

“Let no one defraud you by acting as an umpire and declaring you unworthy and disqualifying you for the prize…” – Colossians 2:18a AMP

There are so many things that you and I may be missing out on, by allowing people to come in and “declare us unworthy.” Fraud is about the best way you can describe it, because it is deceitful and a bag of lies and trickery. Regardless of where your religious or spiritual beliefs are, just know that you were not put on this earth for anything less than to be and produce amazing things. I’ve struggled with the doubt of my past decisions and the opinions of other people in my life “acting as an umpire,” and I’ve realized most recently, that the negative thought pattern does nothing for what I am supposed to be doing.

So if you’re in a funk… get out of it. If you know someone that is struggling… remind them how amazing they are. The reality is, this journey of life is full of lessons, grab the lessons in every circumstance you’ve been in… good and bad and create a new direction to go. I’m all about being the best version of me this year, and deeming myself worthy, because God tells me I am. It’s time for you to recognize the beauty of you.

I encourage you to do the same, and if you’re flying high, scoop down and reach out to someone else that may be struggling to love themselves.

With love,

Courtney Dade


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