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Product Review: SuperCritical Facial Serum by Jay’s Precious Cargo
Jan 26

Product Review: SuperCritical Facial Serum by Jay’s Precious Cargo

About 3 months ago, Caleb and I did a beauty haul video about a batch of products I bought from Jay’s Precious Cargo. One of the items that I purchased was the SuperCritical Facial Serum. I have a lot of hyperpigmentation (meaning I have a bunch of black spots all over my face), and knew that this product addressed that problem, as well as a ton of other skin conditions. And of course my favorite thing about Jay’s products is, that they are all natural.

Ingredients and Benefits

SuperCritical Facial Serum is made up of 5 powerhouse ingredients: Chia Oil, Acai Berry Oil, Pomergranate Oil, Rosehip Oil and Grapeseed Oil. Each of these products provide different benefits to your skin, which makes this little product so powerful.

According to the website, here are the benefits you can expect from the ingredients:

  • Chia Oil – Hydrates skin and protects against signs of aging.
  • Acai Berry Oil – Fights acne scars, dark spots on the skin and it’s anti-inflammatory properties combat acne.
  • Pomegranate Oil – Revitalize and rejuvenate. Improves skin tone, helps to balance the skin’s pH level to create healthy, radiant youthful skin.
  • Rosehip Oil – Reduces age spots and works to heal acne scars. Improves the skin moisture levels and reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Grapeseed Oil – Anti-inflammatory works great for acne and troubled skin.


I used the product consistently for 3 months. The instructions on the bottle said that you should use 2-3 drops of the product per day as part of your regular skin care routine. My scaring is pretty bad, so I opted to do 3 drops, but I did it twice a day and just included it as part of my regular skin care routine in the morning and at night. Here was my routine with the SuperCritical Facial Serum:

  1. Wash my face throughly with Timewise Cleanser for Combination/Oily Skin
  2. While my skin was still damp, I used 3 drops of SuperCritical Facial Serum and applied it to my face and under my chin. I was taught by esthetician, Bellamy Cleary, that you should aways use a serum before a cream.
  3. Timewise Moisturizer for Combination/Oily Skin

Since the winter weather tends to be extremely drying, the face oil helped with overall moisturization. It pretty much smells like oil, so there are not any added fragrances to be concerned about. I did not feel as though when I did my daytime application, that I had to put on any extra primers to combat the shine and I was using the maximum recommended dosage. I have had to wash my foundation brushes more frequently since using the serum, since the oil from my skin tends to transfer to the brushes.


So the real question is… does it work? Well… take a look for yourself.

Before SuperCritical Facial Serum

Before SuperCritical Facial Serum – 11/2015

After SuperCritical Facial Serum

After SuperCritical Facial Serum – 1/2015

The SuperCritical Facial Serum definitely brightened my overall complexion, and made my skin look much healthier in the 3 months.  You can also see in the side by side below, many of my scars faded. I have some new blemishes that popped up, but not nearly as many as I was getting before. You can also clearly see how healthy my skin looks after using the serum for just 90 days.

SuperCritical Before and After

From beauty to life

There are so many superficial flaws that we spend money on to fix or cover up. At 36, I’ve learned to appreciate the scaring and the flaws, because represent experiences that make me uniquely me. I love that there is a natural way to make my skin look and feel better, but I’m also happy that I have come to a place of loving myself, where I can take selfies with no make up, eyebrows every where, and find beauty in it. Oh yes ladies… she has arrived to a place of love! Mind you, I don’t think you’ll catch me snapping pictures in a bikini anytime soon. lol

Back to beauty

I love this product. It retails on for $32. I purchased Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Remover from Clinque when it first came out for $75 and no results. I also have no idea what chemicals I was putting on my face, but it just wasn’t effective. The proof is in the images, this really is a powerhouse serum that should be in  your medicine cabinet.

Until next time,



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