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How to Do a Plank Effectively
Apr 22

How to Do a Plank Effectively

We love our fitness experts! If you just came over from the article about waist training, then as promised here is Brandon Cheeks’ instructions on how to do a proper plank. (I hate these by the way!)


1. Lie prone (face down) on forearms with toes pointed down and ankles dorsiflexed (toes pulled up).
2. Draw in navel as if pulling it into the spine (Drawing-in maneuver). Hold.
3. Contract and squeeze gluteal muscles together. Hold.
4. Drive toes into floor, contract and squeeze quadriceps. Hold
5. Maintain this position for 20-30 sec
6. Repeat for 3-4 sets

Key Points:

1. Maintain a neutral spine and head position.
2. Keep chin tucked in
3. Shoulders should be slightly protracted.

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