Hey all you Frill Bella’s and Beau’s! So I wanted to introduce myself to you all and tell you a little about who I am and my journey. I am a woman with many layers, I am a wife, mother, photographer, artist, +model , chef impersonator and healthcare professional. I am passionate about life, living in the moment, finding reason, purpose and discovering the simple elements of life that bring peace and happiness. I have serious photo OCD, I love the way photos tell a story while still leaving a bit of mystery to them. My posts will generally be centered on photos, something that inspired me in that moment be it life, art, makeup or people.
So, I’ve spent my entire life in California until 4 weeks ago…. 4 weeks ago my family and I packed our life up in boxes, loaded it on a moving truck and hit the 8 east, destination: Atlanta, GA! Our move was very sudden to all of our friends and family but in all honesty, we had been mentally packing for years. As much as I love California, my family and friends, a major change was necessary in our lives. You see comfort is a dangerous position; comfort can easily transition into complacency. I was comfortable, on the verge of complacency. I needed to get lost in a new city, something dramatic, all or nothing. So we did it! Moved to a state I had never even been to. So I guess I am officially a Georgia Peach, I think… lol unless there is a process to getting that title. Either way, it’s kinda nice being able to be a resident and a tourist all at the same time.
I’ll be taking you guys along on my new journey as I discover Atlanta! Enjoy!
Talk to you all soon!
Vanessa Evans